Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Want to Be a President?

What is up with presidents' inability to speak cogently? Don't you have speechwriters or - perhaps - a brain? Aren't you supposed to be well-educated?

First, I thought the poor diction was just good ole Dubya's Texas ways, but I am beginning to think that part of being a president - whether that's president of a company, a country, or a university - involves speaking as cryptically, nonsensically, and ironically as possible, probably in hopes of covering one's future ass.

Or maybe not. Maybe presidents just like to screw with people, because they can. Either way, our quote of the day is by president of Indiana University, Adam W. Herbert: "The young adults of tomorrow will be citizens of the world. We need to help them prepare for that obligation."

Wait, so if you, Mr. Herbert, are talking about the "young adults of tomorrow," presumably children attend your university? Did you mean to say that "the young adults of today will be citizens of the world tomorrow"?

Sadly, Indiana University thought Herbie's insight was so great, that they plastered it all over various IU promotional materials. We hope that the IU English Department doesn't lose accreditation in the near future.

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